Introducing the 5 Big Ideas in Artificial Intelligence using
Internet of Things in STEM education |
Shaping STEAM education for young children through
gaming, is an innovative project about STEAM Education https://project-sega.weebly.com/ |
DIGITAL CULTUREDigital Creativity use for Learning and Teaching in Educational Framework of Early Childhood Education
https://digitalcultureeu.weebly.com/ |
SCRAPYStrengthening educator’s competencies for distance STEM learning through Physical Computing & DIY electronics
https://www.scrapy.erasmusplus.website/ |
PHYSICSKIT4STEMPromoting gender-balanced STEM education through DIY kits for teaching physics in the classroom
https://physicskit4stem.eu/ |
EDUCATIONAL CONTINUITYstrategies and tools for distance learning
LEGENDS & MYTHSdevelop reading and digital literacy skills and creativity of students through legends and myths
http://thelegendsandmyths.com/ |
WORLD ACTIVE CITIZENSwe are and becoming world active citizens
C-THINKThink, Learn and Play in a Computational Thinking Way